Surge Protection

Surge Protector | Whole -
House Surge Protector

Surge Protector | Whole-House Surge Protector

Minor power surges occur throughout the day even in well-wired homes. Chances are you won’t even notice them. They also cause no damage to electronic gear, appliances, or home comfort equipment.

Then there’s the kind of power surge that can cause heaps of damage – the kind brought about by a sudden lightning strike, downed power lines, a widespread power outage, or when power is suddenly restored.

Benefits of a Whole-House Surge Protector

With a whole-house surge protector from Sparky, you can safeguard sensitive equipment like computers, refrigerator, furnace, water heater, and more, from damage. And that’s just the beginning of surge protector benefits:

  • Reduce the risk of fire – Power surges cause heat to build up within your electrical system, and too much heat can lead to an electrical fire.
  • Protect your electrical panel – A power surge can even damage your fuse box or circuit breaker panel. Once we look at yours, we’ll recommend the right way to protect it.
  • Greater peace of mind – You’ve got enough things to worry about in the wake of a lightning strike or power outage. Let Sparky ease your concerns about damaged or ruined electronics by installing a whole-house surge protector in your home.

Contact Excel Electrical Technologies today to request a FREE surge protection proposal, one that includes an on-site assessment of your power and equipment protection needs.

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