Should I Upgrade My Circuit Breaker Panel?
By: bob
If your electrical system hasn’t kept pace with the new electronics you’ve purchased for your home in recent years. And, just to be clear, an electronic device or system is anything with a built-in microprocessor. And that includes alarm clocks, laptops, heating and cooling system, water heaters, home entertainment gear, and so much more.
Does that sound like your home? If so, and you currently have either a fuse box or 100 amp electric panel, you might be ready to upgrade to a 200 amp system. Here are some clues to guide you:
- 100 amp service generally is adequate for smaller homes or homes without any 220 volt electricity “consumers,” like electric heat or central AC.
- Older circuits eventually lose their ability to protect themselves during an overload, thus increasing the risk of an electrical fire.
- If you’re finding it impossible to run multiple home electronics at the same time without blowing a fuse or tripping a circuit, you need to upgrade your system.
- Have any of your more sensitive electronics been damaged recently or is your home prone to brownouts? If so, your electrical system is reminding you it’s no longer up to the challenge.
If and when you decide to upgrade to a 200-amp circuit breaker system, you can look forward to the following advantages:
- The ability to run more electrical equipment, and more powerful equipment, at the same time.
- Added safety.
- Increased protection for your electronic equipment, including appliances and home comfort systems.
- Increased home resale value.
To learn more about how you can enjoy added convenience and safety by upgrading your home electrical system, contact Excel Electric today. We’ll be happy to come visit you, determine your needs, and provide you with a free new system proposal.