Benefits of a Video Doorbell
By: Omar
Technology has not only changed the way we communicate and do business, but also the way we manage the simplest of everyday tasks. Smart home technology has enabled us to turn on the lights, stream our favorite shows, and start dinner from virtually anywhere in the world.
Yet one of the best uses of smart home tech is keeping your home and family safe. That’s where video doorbells come in. Whether you’re looking to expand your smart home tech, enhance safety and security, or simply want to know what all the fuss is about, here are 6 impressive benefits.
See who’s at the door.
A video doorbell displays who’s approaching your door whether you’re home or away. You can watch live or review recorded footage at your leisure. Whether it’s a package delivery, company, or a door-to-door salesperson, you’re kept informed. And that means added convenience and peace of mind.
Have a conversation.
It’s no secret that would-be burglars tend to target homes that look empty. With a video doorbell, you can speak to whoever is at the door – whether you’re home or not – without their knowledge. This intercom-style feature also comes in handy when you’re busy and simply can’t come to the door.
See nighttime visitors.
Smart doorbells aren’t just for daytime use. In fact, their night vision technology delivers clear images of nighttime visitors who come to your front door. That means you can see whether your teen made curfew or what four-legged animal is digging up your potted plants.
Keep a visitor log.
Whatever the need might be, you can keep a detailed log of everyone who comes to your front door and what time they arrived were there. Especially helpful for making sure the kids get home right after school.
Enhance your security system.
A doorbell camera delivers extra detailed footage around your property that other security cameras might miss. And that means added safety and peace of mind.
Increase your home’s value.
An ever-increasing number of homeowners and buyers are embracing smart home technology, especially for reasons of security and safety. If you’re planning to move now or soon thereafter, your smart home may be more desirable to buyers.
Excel Electric specializes in home video camera installation. We also can recommend exactly the right camera to suit your every need. Contact us today for more information and a free quote.