How Lighting Design Impacts the Look and Feel of Your Home

Think of your favorite special occasion restaurant for a minute. Is the lighting the same throughout? Probably not. The host stand may have a task light to make taking reservations...


How to Transform a Spare Bedroom into a Home Office

In today's world, the commute from home to work can be as little as a few steps. Whether you work remotely full-time, part-time or occasionally need a quiet space to...


How to Plan the Best Garage Workshop

Whether you're a car-enthusiast, wood-worker, crafter, or do-it-all DIYer, turning your garage into a workshop can provide a dedicated space to work on projects, store tools, and get creative. However,...


How the Right Lighting Enhances Home Safety

When it comes to creating a safe and secure home environment, we tend to focus on the usual suspects: installing and maintaining smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, keeping areas free...


Tips to Make Your Home More Secure

Your home is your sanctuary. It’s where you relax and unwind, celebrate occasions big and small, and where you rest your head at night. But did you know that a...


Tips for Closing Your Inground Pool

All good things must come to an end…including summer pool season. As you squeeze out the last few dips in your inground pool, it’s time to start thinking about getting...


Summer Electrical Safety Tips

With summer right around the corner, chances are you’ll be spending more and more time outdoors gardening, doing yardwork, enjoying pool time, and having backyard barbeques. And whether you’re working...


Holiday Lighting Safety Tips

For some, the holiday season starts right after Halloween, while others prefer to wait until the day after Thanksgiving (or even later) to bring out the decorations. One way to...


How to Prepare for the Next Power Outage

Extreme weather across the US is becoming increasingly more common. If the upswing in activity has taught us anything, it’s the importance of being prepared should weather take center stage...


How to Brighten Up a Space

Size, obstructions, and lack of windows can make a room feel dark, gloomy, and uninviting. To compensate, structural changes are not always an option. So aside from illuminating every corner,...


How to Reduce Your Electricity Bills

No matter how much – or little – you pay for electricity each month, you probably wouldn’t mind paying less. Yet, sitting in the dark at night or forbidding the...


Where to Install Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors help save lives – but only if they are installed correctly and in the right locations. In fact, the International Building Code (IBC) requires that homeowners upgrade a...


How to Add Character to Your Home

Sometimes a home can look a little uninspired or downright bland – especially a new one made from “builder grade” materials. If you’re tired of being bored with your own...


Common Homeowner Mistakes, and How to Avoid Them

Mistakes happen, right?  Of course they do. And when are they most likely to happen? When you’re working with little or no knowledge about the matter at hand. With that...


How to Recycle Fluorescent & Other Light Bulbs

Fluorescent and compact fluorescent light bulbs contain small amounts of mercury, but enough to cause mercury poisoning. Mercury, as you may know, has been directly linked to autism, neurological damage,...


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