Holiday Lighting Safety Tips
By: Omar
When you drive around town from early December through roughly mid-January, you can’t help but absorb some holiday cheer – maybe even with an added dose of good will.
That’s what outdoor holiday season lights can do for you – not to mention the indoor variety.
And yet, a word of caution: don’t get so caught up in the moment that you forget to observe the basics of holiday lighting safety. Here’s some timely advice from Excel Electric.
Indoor Lighting Tips
- Never use lit candles near or on trees or any other flammable material.
- If you’re planning to buy a pre-cut Christmas tree, cut about two inches off the bottom before placing it in the stand. It will then absorb more water and become less prone to igniting.
- If you’re buying an artificial tree, confine your search to those labeled “fire resistant.”
- Don’t use any more than 3 strings of lights per extension cord.
- Keep all extension cords against the wall and out from under rugs. No furniture should be laying on cords and no feet should be walking across them.
- Switch to LED tree lights. They use less electricity than traditional lights and generate less heat. Also, use only those lights with the UL (or similar) label. It’s an industry standard for electrical safety.
Outdoor Lighting Tips
- It’s best to hang outdoor lights during sunny, dry weather. Dress appropriately in non-slip shoes. Use a dry, wooden ladder if possible and make sure you have a spotter. Be cautious around overhead power lines.
- Use only cords and lights made and labeled for outdoor use.
- Plug your outdoor cords into GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlets.
- Don’t use a staple gun since one small misfire can easily put a hole in a string of lights, creating an instant fire hazard. Use plastic clips instead.
- Plan your light display to avoid running cords across doorways, sidewalks and other high-traffic areas.
Just like always, Excel Electric can help you enjoy added safety this holiday season. Whether it’s new outlets, an outdoor GFCI outlet, new switches, or whatever the need might be, contact us for prompt and professional service.