Summer Electrical Safety Tips
By: bob
With summer right around the corner, chances are you’ll be spending more and more time outdoors gardening, doing yardwork, enjoying pool time, and having backyard barbeques.
And whether you’re working hard or playing hard, it’s important to keep electrical safety in mind.
Follow these electrical safety tips while enjoying the outdoors and protect yourself and your loved ones against electrical hazards.
Tools & Equipment
- Stay at least 10 feet away from overhead power lines.
- Keep your work area is clean and organized.
- Never go barefoot or wear open-toed shoes while mowing the lawn.
- Never use electric tools around water.
- Store fuel away out of the sun and away from heat sources.
- Store all electrical tools and equipment indoors and away from water sources.
Tree Maintenance
- Make sure trees have enough room to grow, especially when close to power lines.
- Trim back branches to prevent them from growing toward any electrical system, including nearby power lines.
- If a tree is growing dangerously close to power lines, contact your electrical company or a professional tree service to ensure branches are trimmed back safely.
Outdoor Outlets
- Make sure all outdoor outlets are Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters outlets. GFCIs automatically cut power when a connected device comes in contact with water.
- Cover outdoor outlets with weatherproof covers.
- Never use indoor extension cords outdoors.
- Do not connect one extension cord to another extension cord.
- Be sure the amperage rate of the extension cord is equal to or higher than the item you’re plugging in.
Pool Time
- All outdoor electrical receptacles should be kept covered and dry, even when in use.
- Use GFCIs to help protect against electric shock.
- Keep electrical appliances and equipment at least 6 feet away from water.
- Never touch electrical devices when wet.
- Never swim during a thunderstorm.
Whatever your electrical needs are, the experts at Excel Electrical Technologies are ready to assists. We can make sure all your electrical systems are in order so you can focus on more important matters, like enjoying all that the summer season has to offer.