Unplug for a Day
By: bob
Every March “National Unplug Day” is observed…at least by those aware of it. And yet we’re posting this blog in April. Why? To make the simple point that you don’t need an excuse to unplug from your life for a day to spend more time with family or just step out of your routines.
If you like the idea, then you’ll like these simple solutions for making it happen:
Host an Unplugged Party – Put the phones and tablets away and enjoy some old-school games and activities. Or, take turns telling stories, sharing vacation memories, planning your next family trip, etc. h other.
Reach Out – Have you been meaning to introduce yourself to a new neighbor or volunteer some time at your church? You’d be amazed at what you can accomplish when you put down the laptop, shut off the TV, and put your cell phone on vibrate. That’s right, you don’t need to hide or turn off your phone. After all, you can still unplug while making yourself available to those who might need you.
Look Inward – When was the last time you did a little soul searching or sat back and made some meaningful plans? Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Anything you’d like to fix? Anyone to whom you need to say: “I’m sorry?” Life is distracting enough without letting electronics get in the way.
Make unplugging a habit – Remember, there’s not much point to unplugging if you do it only once a year. Instead, schedule your next one right after you complete the first, and so on. It’s a habit well worth cultivating and sharing with others.
Speaking of plugs and such (even though we really weren’t), Excel Electric is always son hand to help you enjoy a more convenient and safer lifestyle. For new switches, outlets, ceiling fan lighting, outdoor lighting design and installation, and more, we’re your local electric service professionals…ready and able to help you anytime you call.