Your Spring Home Maintenance To-Do List
By: bob
During a long, harsh winter like the one we just went through, your home can take quite a beating from the elements, both inside and out. The question is, have any repair issues been left in its wake?
To make that determination, all it takes is a simple walk around your house armed with a pad of paper, pen, and inspection checklist. Here’s the checklist, so let’s get started:
First, inspect the obvious
- Inspect dryer vents and dryer hoses — make sure they are clean and in working order
- Replace furnace and air conditioning filters
- Change batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
- Check chimneys and stove pipes for excess creosote buildup
- Make sure fire extinguishers are filled, handy, and in working order
Check doors and windows.
- Do the locks work smoothly?
- Do the doors seal well?
- Is there a light switch within reach of the entry door?
Don’t forget stairs and hallways
- Are all steps sturdy?
- Is the railing solid?
- Do lights over stairs work properly?
In the kitchen
- Is the stove in good working condition?
- Does each burner and the oven work?
- Does your kitchen exhaust fan need cleaning?
- Do you need child locks on cabinet doors?
Take an electrical tour
- Test ground fault circuit interrupter outlets in your bathrooms, kitchen, laundry room, and anywhere else water can come in contact with electricity.
- Replace any damaged electrical appliance and extension cords.
- Check all light fixtures to make sure bulb wattage doesn’t exceed the maximum recommended wattage.
- Make sure no extension cords or wires are underneath rugs.
- Place your hand over all electrical outlets and switches. If any are warm or hot to the touch, you should call a licensed electrician to investigate the cause as you have a potential fire hazard on your hands.
This isn’t a complete list, by any means, but it’s more than enough to help fortify your home against accidents otherwise waiting to happen.
At Excel Electric, we conduct very thorough home electrical wiring and safety inspections – it’s a service we recommend be undertaken once a year for the protection of your home and your family’s added safety. Has it been a year or longer since your last electrical safety inspection? If so, contact Excel Electric today.