Common Home Electrical Problems

Wouldn’t life be better if you had your own personal superhero to protect you? Well, not to pat ourselves on the back or anything, but we feel that way sometimes....


Where to Install Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors help save lives – but only if they are installed correctly and in the right locations. In fact, the International Building Code (IBC) requires that homeowners upgrade a...


Fall in Love with Your Home – Again!

Is the thrill gone? Do you not give it fresh flowers anymore? Does one room or another need a good paint job, but you just can’t be bothered? If so,...


Easy Outdoor Home Improvements

People say the kitchen is the heart of the home…who are we to argue? Still, when summer rolls around, it’s time to move beyond the heart to your own great...


Electrical Repairs for a Licensed Electrician

Home repair problems never occur at the right time. (Maybe that’s because there is no right time?)    So that got us thinking: What makes the wrong time so wrong? Maybe you’re saving...


How to Add Character to Your Home

Sometimes a home can look a little uninspired or downright bland – especially a new one made from “builder grade” materials. If you’re tired of being bored with your own...


Bad Habits that Can Cause a Fire

Some potentially dangerous situations are easy to avoid, like putting candles out before leaving the house or wiping up spills to avoid slipping and falling. Then there are those safety...


Why is My Wall Socket Warm?

What are the things you take for granted around the house? Maybe consistently comfortable temperatures, a roof that doesn’t leak, food in the fridge…probably a pretty long list when you...


The Problem with Aluminum Wiring

Fads come and go…that’s what makes them fads in the first place.  When we’rein the middle of one, it seems like the most natural thing possible, whether or not you...


Why Your Home Needs Surge Protection

Ever see a TV, outdoor air conditioning condenser, or refrigerator go poof?  How about all at once? Hopefully not, but that doesn’t mean it can’t or won’t happen to you. ...


Common Accidents and How to Prevent Them

An accident can happen without warning, anywhere, at any time. After all, that’s what makes them accidents. And while many aren’t entirely preventable, you can help reduce the risk and...


Kitchen Remodeling Ideas

Ever notice how a simple jacket or a pair of dangly earrings can pull a look together? The outfit may be fine on its own but adding that little extra...


Back-to-School Preparation Tips for Parents

It’s that time of year again: when pencils, folders, and backpacks line store shelves; teachers prepare their classrooms and lesson plans; and kids everywhere start counting down the last days...


When Do You Need an Electrician?

Whether you mean to or not, it’s often easy to take electricity for granted. You flip a switch and the lights come on. You press a button and a few...


How to Hire an Electrician.

If you’re the fussy type, finding the right electrician can take some time…especially once you factor in the safety angle. You also want to be sure the person or company...


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