Common Electrical Repairs for Chicagoland Home Owners
By: Omar
From the moment we wake up in the morning until we drift off into sweet slumber, we depend on electricity. In fact, we depend on it even during our non-waking hours. And all the while, we mostly take its existence and consistency for granted.
But a steady and safe supply of electricity doesn’t just happen by itself. It requires ongoing maintenance and a watchful eye for indications that professional repair work might be in order – the kind necessary to help prevent an electrical fire, just as one example.
Are there any issues with your home electrical system that require professional attention? Well, if you notice any of the following symptoms, the answer is a resounding “yes”:
- Flickering lights – Properly working light fixtures should not flicker. If any of yours are, check to see if the light bulb needs to be replaced. If not, there could be a problem with the wiring in the lamp or inside your wall or ceiling. Another possibility is that your electrical system is overloaded.
- Buzzing sound – Unless you are operating a noise-making device, electricity should be seen and not heard. A buzzing sound coming from an outlet or light switch could indicate loose or frayed wiring – two leading causes of home electrical fires.
- Circuit breakers tripping – Do you lose power to one part of your home just because you happen to turn on a hair dryer or blender? Circuit breakers that trip frequently could mean that your electrical system is no longer adequate to your family’s needs.
- Sparks or burning smells – If you see a spark when you turn on a light or plug in an electrical device – or, notice the smell of burning plastic – contact an experienced electrician immediately.
- Cords, light switches, or outlets that run warm – Each of these, when working properly, should always stay cool to the touch.
What do all of these electrical problems have in common? Excel Electrical Technologies! As in, we offer you a wide range of residential and commercial electrical services to help make your life and work more comfortable, convenient, and a whole lot safer. Contact us today to report a problem, or for any electrical service need at all.