Common Home Electrical Problems
By: Omar
Wouldn’t life be better if you had your own personal superhero to protect you?
Well, not to pat ourselves on the back or anything, but we feel that way sometimes. Especially when a customer calls with what they think is a “no big deal” electrical problem that turns out to be a very big deal…and kudos to the customer for calling when they did.
Not to overstate the case, but here at Excel Electric, sometimes our work is more or less routine, but other times downright life-saving.
No matter what the job might be, safety is always our first concern. Please keep that in mind as you read about the following home electrical problems. Any one of them, if left unattended long enough, can result in additional and more serious problems.
Dips in Power
Sags and dips in power often stem from appliances or other electrical devices that are plugged in but made with substandard wiring. In such a case, they’re likely to draw too much power when turned on.
Circuit Overload
It’s simple: you plug too many things into one outlet, it’s far more likely to trip, burn out, or perhaps even start an electrical fire. So, use extension cords as sparingly as possible and add more outlets as needed. Also, unplug items not in use, like a phone charger, because they’re still drawing power.
Fickle Recessed Lights
Recessed lighting is equipped with safety devices that cut out power to the bulb when it gets too hot. The bulb wattage is either too high or ceiling insulation is too close to the bulb.
Flickering or Dimming Lights
This could be a sign of a poor connection and can lead to sparking, overheating, and fire.
Light Bulbs Burn Out Frequently
Overuse isn’t the only cause of frequent replacement. You may have a loose connection in the socket or circuit. And a loose connection is a potential fire starter.
Dead Outlets
Dead outlets can result from excessive heat buildup resulting in melted wires or outlets.
Frequently Tripping Breakers
This usually means the circuit is using too much electricity. You should add a circuit or consider upgrading your electrical service.
Here’s another great suggestion: don’t play doctor and try to diagnose your own electrical problems. If you can’t quickly, easily, and safely resolve the matter on your own, contact Excel Electric for the added peace of mind you deserve.