Electrical Safety – Proceed with Caution

Ever wonder how easy it is to take certain things for granted? You want to watch television? You turn it on. Your phone needs recharging? Just plug it in. Need...


Fall Electrical Safety Tips

For the most part, electrical safety tips are the same, no matter what the season. Still, as our daily habits change from one to the next, it’s always a good...


Why You Should Inspect Your Electrical Outlets

Ah, the humble electrical outlet – a true unsung hero of modern times. Something most homeowners don’t spend a lot of time thinking about – and yet you really should....


Bathroom Vanity Lighting Options

Bathroom lighting isn’t just about illumination, as the saying goes. It’s about appearance, brightness, and how it helps or hinders your daily preparations. Simple enough, right? Not so simple –...


How to Reduce Your Electricity Bills

No matter how much – or little – you pay for electricity each month, you probably wouldn’t mind paying less. Yet, sitting in the dark at night or forbidding the...


Do Dimmer Switches Work with LED Lights?

The secret’s been out now for ages: switching from incandescent to LED light bulbs saves energy and saves you money. And yet there’s still some mystery surrounding LED’s. In fact,...


What Size Electrical Panel Do I Need for My Home?

We can’t answer that question for you in a blog – only in person. But we can give you some parameters to help guide you through the process. If, however,...


Holiday Lighting Safety Tips

When you drive around town from early December through roughly mid-January, you can’t help but absorb some holiday cheer – maybe even with an added dose of good will. That’s...


Hot Ideas for Indoor Lighting

Is your home screaming “drab and dreary” for lack of a dynamic lighting scheme? If so, it’s time to discover how the right lighting package can work wonders on its...


The Multiple Uses of Recessed Lights

Can lights, down lights, pot lights – whatever you call them, recessed lights have the ability to illuminate an entire room, add task lighting over a work area, or deliver...


Common Home Electrical Problems

Wouldn’t life be better if you had your own personal superhero to protect you? Well, not to pat ourselves on the back or anything, but we feel that way sometimes....


Where to Install Smoke Detectors

Smoke detectors help save lives – but only if they are installed correctly and in the right locations. In fact, the International Building Code (IBC) requires that homeowners upgrade a...


Electrical Repairs for a Licensed Electrician

Home repair problems never occur at the right time. (Maybe that’s because there is no right time?)    So that got us thinking: What makes the wrong time so wrong? Maybe you’re saving...


How to Add Character to Your Home

Sometimes a home can look a little uninspired or downright bland – especially a new one made from “builder grade” materials. If you’re tired of being bored with your own...


Why is My Wall Socket Warm?

What are the things you take for granted around the house? Maybe consistently comfortable temperatures, a roof that doesn’t leak, food in the fridge…probably a pretty long list when you...


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